There are many advantages connected to turning to Lynwood Bail Bonds when you’re arrested. One of the ones that you may not know about is our zero-percent interest payment plan. For many people, the zero-percent interest program is the main reason they are able to afford a bail bond and be released from jail. If they had to come up with the money needed upfront, they would never be released before their day in court.
The first thing you need to know about our zero-interest bail payment program is how we determine how much you owe us. We have a very simple method for deciding how much money each client needs to pay in order for us to post a bail bond. That amount is 10% of the bond fee. If you require a bail bond of $2,500, you will have to pay us $250.
There are some exceptions. If you’re hiring a private defense attorney, a member of the military or an AARP member, you’re entitled to a 20% discount.
Once we know how much your bail bond will cost, we sit down and have a frank discussion about how much you can afford to pay and how frequently you can make payments. We are happy to customize our payment program for every single client, which makes getting a bail bond an option for more people.
Want to learn more about our zero-interest payment program so that you can decide if it’s a good fit for you? All you have to do is contact Lynwood Bail Bonds for a free consultation.
As proud as we are of our interest-free payment plan, we are very happy to report that it’s just one of the many perks you’ll enjoy when you become our client. Additional perks included are the following:
- 24/7 Bail Bond Service
- FREE Online or Phone Consultation
- 20% Discount (to qualifying clients)
- Over the Phone Approvals
- No Hidden Fees
- No Collateral with Working Co-Signer
- Easy to Understand Contracts
- Discreet Service
- Outstanding customer service
- Se Habla Español
We’re available to help you 24/7. Not only are our consultations completely free, but they’re also informative. Whether you’re calling for yourself or contacting us about one of your loved ones who has been arrested, you’ll feel better after you talk to us and fully understand how zero-interest bail bonds work in California.
To learn more, call Lynwood Bail Bonds at 213-387-5566 or click Talk To An Agent Now to chat now.